Learn How and When To Improve Your Catch with a 2 Hook Flapper Rig
The Two Hook Flapper Rig commonly used in beach fishing, particularly effective for targeting species such as whiting, codling and other smaller to medium-sized fish. It’s an effective rig when you’re looking to present bait in a way that mimics natural movement, such as small fish or crustaceans, and it works well in most surf conditions. The adantage of a 2 Hook Flapper Rig are:
- Targeting Smaller Fish: The two-hook flapper rig is ideal for species like whiting, bream, and codling. The two hooks allow for multiple bait presentations increasing your chances of attracting fish.
- Calm or Moderate Surf: The two-hook flapper rig is effective in calm to moderate surf conditions and both hooks remain relatively stable on the ocean floor reducing the chance of tangles.
- Using Multiple Baits: You can use different types of bait on each hook to target different species or increase attraction.
- For Species That Prefer Bottom Bait: Since the flapper rig presents baits near the bottom of the ocean floor, it’s ideal for species that feed close to or on the bottom, such as flatfish or whiting.
- Using Natural Presentations: The flapper rig’s design allows your baits to flutter or move naturally in the current effectively mimicking the movement of the prey.
- Fishing in Varied Depths: If you’re fishing in areas where the depth varies, the flapper rig ensures that your bait stays in a natural position on or near the bottom.
How To Make a Great 2 Hook Flapper Rig
Ideally used for situations when natural bait presentation is not of greatest importance although it is not a rig designed for achieving great distances. This is one of the most commonly used and versatile rigs and is very simple to put together.
What you need and how to make Ultima’s Two Hook Flapper Rig
The rig is composed of a lead link which goes up to a crimp, bead, a small swivel then another bead and a crimp.
Remember to leave some play between the two beads to allow the swivel to move freely. Please also remember to make sure the snood lengths are not longer than the distance between the two swivels as this may make them tangle.
Moving up the line there is exactly the same set up again of crimp, bead, swivel, bead and then crimp; again making sure to allow some movement for the swivel, then a swivel at the top of the rig. You can also purchase this rig hand made in the UK bu professional rig tyers by. Click on the link below.
The body of the rig needs to be of a similar diameter to the Shockleader to account for any pressure placed on the rig during the cast e.g. 50lb rig body = up to 5 oz of lead.
Enigma or Powerflex Rig Body 50lb or 60lb
1 x Rig Body Swivel Size 10
4 x crimps
4 x beads micro or aero
2 x Snood Swivels
1 x lead link
2 x hooks
Snood line – Memor-X or Proteus 20 / 25lb