The Bomber Rig: How to make it work effectively

Improve Your Catch Rate with the versatile Bomber Rig

The Bomber Rig is a highly effective setup for beach fishing, particularly when targeting larger species such as bass, cod, ray, and dogfish. It’s known for its ability to present bait in a way that’s attractive to fish, even in challenging conditions like strong surf or rough waters. Here’s why and when you would use a Bomber Rig for beach fishing:

  • Effective for Large Bait Presentation: The Bomber Rig is designed to keep larger baits such as whole fish, squid, or large chunks of mackerel suspended off the seabed for larger predatory fish.
  • Works Well in Strong Surf and Currents: A key advantage of the Bomber Rig is its ability to keep the bait in place in strong surf or currents so it’s great choice for fishing in more challenging beach conditions.
  • Keeps Bait Elevated: By suspending the bait slightly off the seabed, the Bomber Rig ensures that the bait remains visible and attractive to fish that might be feeding higher in the water or near the seabed
  • Reduces Tangles: The Bomber Rig is designed to minimize tangles, even when casting in windy or rough conditions.
  • Ideal for Larger Species: The Bomber Rig is often used when targeting larger species like bass, cod, ray, and dogfish. Larger fish are more likely to be attracted to the larger baits presented by the rig.

Essentials of a Bomber Rig

Easy to make the Bomber rig is useful in many beach fishing situations. This rig works well for keeping baits separated, reducing tangles, and increasing your chances of multiple hook-ups in surf conditions.

How to make a Bomber Rig

Take a 6-8 ft length of Powerflex Clear in 50lb or as required. Attach e a rolling swivel to one end of the mainline to prevent line twists.

Take two 12-18 inch lengths of MemorX Clear. Tie one to the swivel for the main hook. Attach a long-shank Aberdeen hook to the snood using a Palomar Grinner or half blood knot.

For the Bomber Link attach a second snood to the body, positioning it higher up on the line. Add a second hook and secure it.

Attach your lead to the bottom using the lead clip. Ensure all knots are secure remembering to lubricate before drawing fully tight.

What you need

1 x Size 2 Swivel.
Body 50lb Powerflex Clear
2 x Size 6 Swivels
Snood 25lb Memor-x Clear
5 x 4mm Clear Beads.
5 x 1.2mm Crimps.
2 x Black Aberdeen Hooks.
1 x Breakaway impact shield.
1 x Lead link.

Click on the button below to purchase the Ultima ready made Bomber Rig.

Bomber Rig Image

Watch the video of how to make a Bomber Rig – Coming Soon

World Class Leader & Rig Body
Pure Flurocarbon Snood
Memory Free Hook Snood

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