The Pulley Pennel Rig: How to make it work effectively

Improve Your Catch Rate with the versatile Pulley Pennel Rig

The Pulley Pennel Rig is one of the most popular and effective rigs for beach fishing, especially when targeting larger species such as bass, cod, ray, dogfish, and hounds. Its design combines the benefits of a pulley system, which allows the bait to be presented effectively while reducing tangles and helping to improve hook-up rates. Here’s why and when you should use a Pulley Pennel Rig for beach fishing:

  • Efficient Bait Presentation: Designed to present the bait in a natural position, close to the seabed for bottom-feeding species. The unique design of the rig allows the bait to sit correctly in the feeding zone.
  • Increased Hooking Rate: The Pennel rig component of the setup features two hooks a larger hook near the sinker and a smaller one near the bait.
  • Easy Casting: The pulley system on this rig helps reduce tangling during casting. The rig features a special arrangement that keeps the hook and bait above the sinker while casting.
  • Minimizes Snags: The Pulley Pennel Rig is effective at reducing the risk of snagging, which is important when fishing in areas with rough seabed’s, rocks, or underwater structures.
  • For Larger Species: Often used for larger species such as bass, cod, ray, and dogfish. It’s designed to handle larger baits like mackerel, squid, or whole fish, which are perfect for attracting big fish.
  • Long-Distance Casting: The Pulley Pennel Rig is a favorited for anglers who need to cast long distances, as the design helps the bait fly smoothly through the air without tangling.

Essentials of a Pulley Pennel Rig

Easy to make the Pulley Pennel rig is effective in many beach fishing situations and one of the most popular and successful rigs in use today. This rig is great for long-distance casting and secure bait presentation.

How to make a Pulley Pennel Rig

Tie a rolling swivel to one end of the rig body. Then slide a pulley bead onto the mainline above the swivel, followed by a breakaway clip for holding bait securely.

Cut a 12-18 inch length of MemorX. Tie two hooks using the Pennel knot, usually a larger hook on the bottom and smaller on top.

Attach your lead to the bottom using a lead clip.

Tie the mainline to the swivel and pulley, ensuring the breakaway clip holds the bait. The pulley system will release the bait upon hitting the water.

What you need

1 x Lead Link.
1 x Size 6 Swivel.
Body 50lb Poweflex Clear.
2 x 4mm Clear Beads.
1 x Size 2 Sliding Swivel.
Snood 25lb MemorX Clear.
2 x Aberdeen Hooks of choice

Click on the button below to purchase the Ultima ready made rig.

Image of a Pulley Pennel Rig

Watch the video of how to make a Pulley Pennel Rig – Coming Soon

World Class Leader & Rig Body
Pure Flurocarbon Snood
Memory Free Hook Snood

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