The Two Hook Flattie Rig : How To Make It Work Effectively

Improve Your Catch Rate with the versatile Two Hook Flattie Rig

The Two Hook Flattie Rig is a versatile and effective rig for beach fishing, especially when targeting flatfish like plaice, dab, flounder, and other bottom-dwelling species and it’s an ideal rig when you want to increase your chances of catching these species, offering a more complex bait presentation and helping you present different baits at once. Here’s why and when you should use a 2 Hook Flattie Rig:

  • Increased Hooking Opportunities: The 2 Hook Flattie Rig allows you to present two baits instead of just one and consequently increase the chances of hooking fish.
  • Presentation: With two hooks, you can use two different types of baits, such as rag worm on one hook and a small piece of squid on the other therefore allowing you to target a wider range of species.
  • Effective in Shallow Waters: The 2 Hook Flattie Rig works particularly well in shallow waters where flatfish tend to forage close to the seabed and the rig positions the baits in the optimal feeding zone.
  • Natural Bait Movement: The rig allows the baits to move naturally with the current and this makes them more attractive to bottom-feeding species like flatfish.
  • Works Well in Calm or Moderate Surf: The rig performs well in calmer waters or moderate surf because it’s light enough to allow for easy casting and doesn’t create too much drag.
  • Prevents Tangles: Because the hooks are spaced apart, the rig helps prevent tangles and making it less likely that the hooks catch each other either during casting or when in the water.

Essentials of a Two Hook Flattie Rig

Easy to make the 2 Hook Flattie rig is useful in many beach fishing situations. This rig is effective for flatfish like flounder and plaice, presenting two baits at once.

How to make a Two Hook Flattie Rig

Take a 6-8 ft length of Powerflex Clear 50lb and attach a rolling swivel to one end of the mainline to prevent line twists.

Take two 12-18 inch lengths of 25lb MemorX. Attach one to the swivel for the bottom hook, and the second leader 4-6 inches above the first for the top hook.

Use two long-shank Aberdeen hooks (size 1 or 2) to target flatfish. Tie each hook to its respective leader with a Grinner Knot.

Attach your lead to the bottom using the lead clip. Ensure all knots are secure remembering to lubricate before drawing fully tight.

What you need

1 x Size 2 Swivel
Body 50lb Powerflex Clear
2 x Size 6 Swivels
Snood 25lb MemorX Clear or Red
2 x 4mm Clear Beads
2 x Crimps 1.2mm
1 x Lead Link
2 x Aberdeen Hooks
6 x 5mm Yellow Beads
4 x 5mm Black Beads
2 x Spinner Blades

Click on the button below to purchase the Ultima ready made rig.

Diagram of a Two Hook Flattie Rig

Watch the video of how to make a Two Hook Flattie Rig – Coming Soon

World Class Leader & Rig Body
Pure Flurocarbon Snood
Memory Free Hook Snood

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