Ultima Paradox®

Leadless Leader
Teflon / Kevlar Hybrid
Super-Fast Sinking

Ultima Paradox is a huge step forward in leader design and replacing conventional lead core.

Paradox utilises pure super dense Teflon fibres blended with pure Kevlar that together give it not only great weight but amazing flexibility and extreme abrasion resistance.

Completely memory free, Paradox will settle into the lake bed without the need for any pinning down.

Easily spliceable, Ultima Paradox represents possibly the single greatest advance in leader material ever.

Colour Options: Mud/Silt

Size Range: 45.0 / 60.0lbs

Spool Size: 10m

“A perfect lead core without the lead. Sinks like a brick, it’s extremely abrasion resistant and very easy to splice. Thinner, suppler and more abrasion resistant than regular lead core, Paradox is a remarkable product.”
Mark Hutchinson

“So soft and supple this highly specialised leader follows every contour of the lake bed and its extremely high density to diameter beds it in to the lake bed for complete concealment. The Teflon material that it is made from gives an abrasion resistance without equal.”
Steve Renyard

“Ultima’s innovative leader materials like Paradox have opened up more and more possibilities in rig design”
Alan Taylor

“Questo filato è stato progettato per affondare come il piombo ma senza l’aggiunta di metalli pesanti al suo interno. Questo permette di mantenere una morbidezza estrema che non troverete in nessun leadcore!”
Emiliano Bani – Team Ultima Italia

“Paradox può essere utilizzato al posto di un normale leadcore tutte le volte che la rigidezza dovuta all’anima interna diventa un limite nella vostra presentazione. Il rivestimento in Teflon inoltre, lo rende molto liscio e resistente.”
Riccardo Masut – Team Ultima Italia

“Che utilizziate questo filato come leadcore o come terminale nelle situazioni estreme, avrete la certezza di non trovare niente di più robusto e resistente all’abrasione!”
Stefano Frutti – Team Ultima Italia

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