Once you have obtained the best for the job it is important to keep it in top condition so it performs well for you. Is also important to know how to prepare it correctly so it performs as it should and it presents naturally to your target fish.
Transporting your bait to the beach is equally important. Invest in a flask for carrying sandeels and a cool box for your fresh and frozen bait. You will also need cool packs to keep your cool box cold. Use a cool box without cool packs and you are effectively creating an oven like environment for your bait when it is on the beach.
Sand Eel
If you are using frozen sandeels, taken from the freezer and put them in your metal transport flask in their frozen state, and they will begin defrost during transport. A you use them one by one during a session they will still be part frozen. This can be have an advantage because the juices are retained and when the bait hits the water and the bait defrosts completely the maximum amount of juices are released into the target area making the bait much more effective in attracting your target fish.
When transporting mackerel either frozen or fresh, these should be packed into a cool box well wrapped in newspaper and with cool packs placed at the top of the box.
Lugworm and Ragworm
Lugworm and Ragworm should normally come wrapped in newspaper from the tackle dealer. Keep them wrapped in newspaper while they are in the fridge. You can separate into small wraps of say ten and these are then ready for transportation. Keep them wrapped in newspaper when transporting them and place them in your cool box with ice packs to keep them cool. Ensure that the cool packs do come into contact with bait as this will burn and damage the bait. Cat litter trays make good storage and transport and storage boxes and special thermal bags for these are available from the anyfish-anywhere range. Unused black lug can be frozen at the end of a session for reuse later.
Purchase a quality flask and cool box
Purchase cool packs
Keep bait cool while transporting
Keep ice packs away from contact with bait
Minimise empty space in cool boxes